Saturday, 8 October 2011

Gaming is getting easier?

Now hear me out before you get all mad because i am not calling gaming easy and that anyone is able to do it. People can pick up a game and play it yes but to be in the top raiding guilds or to win first person shooter matches it takes special people to be able to pull it off. Dedication to the game, to the people they are with and the skill to pull it off is what is needed.

Now what i am getting at by saying gaming is getting easier is the market is starting to go towards the casual gamers instead of the hardcore gamers. Remember Everquest 1? The game had raid mobs that were up once a week or the epic quests mobs that sometimes would not even spawn that week if it skipped its spawn. If a raid mob popped in Everquest 1 and there were other trackers in that zone in competing guilds you would be forced to race for the raid mob. If you messed up or died while clearing to it you are most likely losing that mob and forced to grab your corpses.

Even World of Warcraft is getting easier, yes it does take skill to do the fights but there is maybe one or two fights that are truly challenging. Most just involve moving out of the circle the boss puts on the ground or killing an add not really that hard at all. Now i'm not trying to take away anyone's accomplishments but i would like anyone to post how the game is getting harder. The raid's used to be 40 man raids now they are at 10 and 25 mans? half the difficulty of raiding is finding people who don't suck.

Games are being aimed more towards kids which nothing is wrong with it at all they can sell more that way but even shooters are getting bland.  Shooters used to be glorious maps where you would be lucky if you saw it all and now they are call of duty black ops ( horrible game) and battlefield where there are way to many vehicles.

Games these days blech.

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